Tuesday 14 April 2009

Adventures 14/4/09

Hey you, glad to see you've finally joined the human race.................You don't half take some coffee to get you going of a morning! Anyway now you're here how are you?, you look really good; is that a new top? Nice!
Me? well I'm good really, but I've been thinking alot recently about 'stuff' (as you know I spend quite a bit of time thinking about stuff) when I say stuff, I mean I've spent a bit of time recently with people I didn't know (Hi Gareth, Hi Des) or knew but didn't speak to much (Hi Trish, Hi Steve, Dusty). Usually this is an opportunity for me, a 'fresh audience' for my collection of bad jokes and patter (which I took with both hands (the opportunity that is) but there was something else which I'm now left with: ........Adventures/memories/stories/dits what ever you want to call them, they are what define your experience of incidents (as opposed to accidents, what is the difference anyway?) or just experiences in general, you know what I mean......for example there was that holiday you went on.....completely crap hotel, completely shit food, rained for a week and a half, you never got a bit.. but then there was the incident, you'd just got back to your hotel room after being blown out by a couple of american chics (not too attractive at that) and your "mate" who won't be a mate for too much longer when you get home (as you've realised he's a complete cock) has been bleeding your ears for a couple of hours, you try to get away from him by going out on the balcony 'to get some air' but he follows you, then as he's bleeding your ears some more (about something that happened when you were three, how would you know he was allergic to picallily?) a bottle of beer is dropped from the balcony above and it drops in slow motion to the floor below, smashes inches (well centimetres really) from two girls from Barnsley. You are spotted, by the security, and he throws you and your soon to be ex friend out on to the streets.....
What sort of experience is that I hear you say...? well what about that time Ken got dog shit in his mustache? he didn't find it at all amusing at the time, but after 25 years even he has to laugh now.
Val doonican said about my foot went through the floor that time in the car when I put the clutch down
What am I talking about? well you know mw.......the usual nonense but I suppose what I'm getting at is the little stories and adventures you have through life that make you laugh maybe not at the time, but afterwards when you're enjoying a beer with friends and they remind you of it and you laugh....alot. Or when you meet someone new and you get talking and something they say reminds you of a funny story. Yes my friend that'swhat makes you special, different to the next bloke (or girl for that matter).
Because you are special you know, don't be so modest it's what makes you, well you.
anyway I'm going to leave that with you cos I need to go and grab a sandwich, I'm away at the moment, sitting in some internet cafe with Billy and Anna (hi guys) and I have to get back soon to work.