Saturday 7 February 2009

Workmen GRRRRRRRRRRR!! (Nov 08)

Hello there stranger, what......? yes I've been a bit busy an stuff lately what with Oli the 'sprite' (no not the can of fizzy drink, the imp creature off the advert for fizzy drink) I have been attendng to the longest ever kitchen fitting saga in the history of saga's and considering saga is the company that caters for old peoples holidays I'll wager thats a very long time.

What is it about me and 'tradesmen' I think sometimes it's like when you see those cartoons when sylvestor the cat looks at tweety and sees roast chicken cooked & steaming on a plate......tradesmen must look at me and see a huge neon sign saying 'GULLIBLE MUG'.

You know that saying about a fool and his money, well I reckon there must be a list published and anyone in the building trade is able to buy it, then they simply look under 'Scott' or the first line of my address and find in the comments section, 'will portray a facade of knowing what he's talking about, behind this exterior though you will find an easily mislead, distracted and trusting baffoon who is completely ready for the taking'.

Okay rant over............I know I do go on a bit, on the plus side though I ended up finishing the job myself, and was immensly proud of my achievements, particularly as some my DIY projects have ended.....well not so well let's say. There's a couple of people I know who think I am some kind of Frank Spencer character (Hi Mrs S, Mrs N) I suppose there was one incident that could have been quite dangerous, but lets look on the brightside I'm alive and well to tell the tale though Dave (an electrician) said that's largely due to the fact the circuit board I have has a really good trip switch. Stupid place to put a wire any way if you ask me, they should put them in plain view instead of hiding them under floor boards (I mean to say though I maybe should take up darts, even Phil Tayler couldn't have put that nail in as acurately).

Hey it's been fun catching up. I know I keep saying this but we should definately get together soon.

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